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Remote work: positions and hiring process

  • Last modified: February, 22 2023
  • Reading time: 11 mins
  • Leia em Português

Looking for a remote work opportunity but don’t know how the hiring process is? In this post, I share some tips on places where to find remote work positions and things about the hiring process I wish someone told me before.

This post is the second part of a series about remote work and international jobs. Check the other post link in the list below. I’ll update the list as I publish new texts but don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter!

Where to find job opportunities

My content focus is WordPress, so here is a list of places I recommend to find positions related to WP:

The company you like
This should be the obvious starting point. If there is a company you like or admire, you should try it first.

10up is the company I currently work for. I learned and continue to learn a lot of different things there and I can say the experience change my life and career in different aspects. And it is hiring!

WordPress Newsletters
There are a lot of WordPress-related newsletters out there and some of them have a section just to list open opportunities. The newsletters I like to read are MasterWP, WP Owls, and Post Status.

Codeable is not a development agency but a freelancer platform. I got many projects there and I recommend it.

Codeable works around all the common pitfalls of these platforms:

  • The final value of a project is not the cheapest but an average of all values. The client can’t see how much each developer wants to charge, so the dev is selected by the messages exchange rather than price.
  • It has (or at least had) a selection process, assuring good quality from all the freelancers.
  • Payment is done to Codeable before the project starts and is forwarded to the developer only when it is done, making it a safe place for all parts.

Codeable served as an entry door to the international market and I think it is an excellent option for those who want to start working internationally.

If you have a good place that lists WordPress-related jobs opportunities, leave a suggestion here in the comments!

Suggested by readers

Lawrence Ladomery reached out in the Post Status slack and suggested a few additions:

Thanks, Lawrence!

It is normal not to be called

Don’t be afraid to fail. I tried an internship at Automattic twice, and got to the final phases but wasn’t accepted. Don’t give up and keep studying and trying to get that job!

Remember: You don’t lose anything by hearing a NO. Everybody was rejected at least once.

It is time to send your CV!

After you found the company you want, it is time to get noticed. In this step, you will need two things: an updated resumé (CV) and a cover letter.

But before…

We can have a post about hard and soft skills (what do you think?) but know that although tech knowledge is needed, companies look for people that communicate well and want to learn.

It is also worth remembering that first impressions are key, so update everything you have online that is related to work.

Update your LinkedIn, GitHub, and profiles!

CV: concise and with what will draw attention

Your resumé just needs one or two pages, with your main experiences and knowledge (courses, certificates, etc.) There are free templates on the internet with modern visuals and pretty easy to fill out.

See an example below (with the link):

Modern and concise CV Template

Cover Letter

This part can be new for a lot of people. It is just a page of text with a few paragraphs. It should be something specific to the position, so do not send the same cover letter to different places.

There are the items you need to include in your cover letter:

  • Your personal info (name, location, email, mobile, etc.);
  • Your connection with the company, where you saw the position;
  • History, mainly what you are currently doing;
  • Why you should be hired.

There are a lot of cover letter examples on the web. TIP: The best examples you will find searching on Google Images, not simple text.


If they want to interview you, congratulations! It is common to see hiring processes with lots of interviews, made by different sectors. Celebrate each step!

It is time to pay attention to a few things:

Review your equipment: earphones, microphone, and internet connection

Before each interview, make sure your earphones, headsets, and/or microphone are working properly, without any noise or similar. If your wifi is unstable, it is worth using a cable, even if that means sitting near the router for a day or having a long cable across the house for a few hours.

Prior preparation is fundamental

Some questions are classics and you should be prepared beforehand. The basics “Tell us about you”, “which was the most difficult project you worked on?”, “what do you like and dislike in WordPress?” should be on the tip of your tongue.

Know the company and the job position

Showing interest is key in any relationship, of any nature. Knowing a little about the company and the position will demonstrate this interest, giving you some points with the interviewer.

If possible, search for the interviewer

This can help a lot if the interview is in English and you are not so confident. It may sound a bit of a stalker, but finding a talk or video with the interviewer can give you time to learn their accent and familiarize yourself with the way they talk.

An interview is not an interrogatory

You can (and should) ask questions. That also demonstrates interest. An idea is to ask about advantages offered by the company, like days off, paid courses, and equipment.

Live Coding: think out loud

If the hiring process has a live coding step (those sessions when you need to write code with someone else looking over your shoulder), remember to think out loud.

The final code is not always so important. How you are thinking and which steps you are trying to make are what really matters.

Imagine a math test where the final result is obviously relevant but the accounts you made to get to the result also matter.


In this post, we saw some places that offer WordPress-related career opportunities. We also saw it is normal to not get the job on the first attempt. Do not give up!

We also saw some essential things in a good CV and cover letter, as well as important points to keep in mind about what companies are really looking for.

Lastly, we saw that prior planning can be essential in a good interview. Prepare your space and mind can make you feel more comfortable during the interview

Felipe Elia

Associate Director of Platform Engineering na 10up, WordPress Core Contributor, Global Polyglots Mentor na comunidade internacional do WordPress e Locale Manager na comunidade WordPress Brasil.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Russell Heimlich

    I found my current job by searching Google confined to job listing sites. So Google “ WordPress” or “ wordpress”

  2. Ahamed Arshad

    What do you recommend for someone who wants to become a Lead Engineer like you? What are the skills?

    1. Felipe Elia

      Hey Ahamed! That is a good question… generally, people would say that would be the natural next step for senior engineers but becoming a lead is also related to mentoring juniors. That would be worth an entirely new post (I’m planning to write that!) but for now, I’ll leave here a link to an excellent video by Dave Farley about the topic: Thanks for the comment!

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